Electricians Will Be the Last Workers to Lose Their Jobs to Robots

Electricians Will Be the Last Workers to Lose Their Jobs to Robots

All human jobs will be replaced by robots in the future, but plumbers, electricians and nurses will stay in employment the longest, according to an artificial intelligence expert, according to an artificial intelligence expert. People working in a job that requires a lot of dexterity, hand-eye coordination and flexibility, such as skilled trade jobs, will last longer than any other occupation.

Technology is changing rapidly, and whilst electricians Braintree can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being, below are the jobs suspected of being snapped up robots first.


Crunching numbers, balance sheets, profit assessments and sorting payments are all tasks that robots are proficient at, and in many cases, are better at than humans. Significant growth is expected in the next few years in robo-accounting, because of their accountability and reliability to produce correct figures each time.


Whilst novelist writers are safe with their creative writing, report writers and financial writers that assess information and then write about it are probably in jeopardy. Machines and robots are being taught how to how to process information and are becoming proficient at how to create very readable content.

Sales people

As consumers rely more on ecommerce and are very skilled at searching for something based on price, specifications and availability for any item they wish to purchase, the salesperson is getting squeezed out of the equation.

Truck drivers

There are millions of truck drivers in the UK, but it is predicted that in a decades time, one-third of all trucks on the road will drive themselves.

Construction workers

There are construction robots, called Semi-Automated Mason, that are designed to be two to three times more productive than human bricklayers with a daily output of 1,200 bricks compared to 300 – 500 per human.

By 2020, according to the World Economic Forum report, robots will be responsible for a net loss of more than 5 million jobs across 15 developed nations.