Turn Any Venue into A Disco with A Mobile Dancefloor

LED dancefloors are the ultimate accessory to any venue, guaranteed to wow you and your guests. Dancefloors can be used to create fabulous catwalks, stunning dancefloors and feature pieces, and can be used in a variety of venues.
School hall
School halls are often used for school discos at the end of term or for leavers proms. Remove all the furniture from the room and set up the mobile dance floor in an appropriate location in the hall. Place back lights and strobe lights around the room to bring a disco feeling to the room. The strobe lights will bounce off the LED dancefloor and add some sparkle to the room. Hang shimmering gold and silver streamers from the ceiling over the dance floor to catch the lights too, to get everyone up and dancing on that dancefloor!
Corporate parties, formal or casual, are time consuming and often pricy to plan, so why not throw a disco right in the middle of the office one Friday afternoon? There are led dancefloor hire london services that can provide mobile discos for any size venue, guaranteed to provide a party atmosphere and act as a way for colleagues to let off any steam and stress from the working week.
Sports hall
Seen as a bleak and dull space, sports halls can in fact be dressed up to look impressive, with soft silk drapes, mood lighting, dining tables set up and of course the centre piece, a dancefloor and live DJ!
Sports halls are also much more affordable to hold events in, as opposed to hiring out a full venue, and can provide ample room for a variety of events and functions.
Wedding marquees
To add ultimate glitz to your wedding, nothing can beat a purpose-built dance floor. From a traditional parquet wooden floor to a popular LED illuminated floor, it’s a must-have for all wedding after parties. Get your guests up and dancing on the glitzy floor to the latest chart-topping music, and have some fun dancing the night away!
Not only are mobile dancefloors incredibly popular and fun to dance on, but they can easily be set up and packed away by professionals.